What is an attorney?
Why would I need an attorney?
Circumstances do arise where you need effective legal council and is best sought. Issues such as:
- Family Law
- Matrimonial Law
- Divorce
- Mediation
Domestic Violence
Parental Rights and Responsibilities
Rights of Contact for Unmarried fathers
- Adoption
- Curatorship Applications
There are also other matters such as:
Ante-nuptial Contracts
- Cohabitation Contracts
- Separation Agreements
Other Family Law related matters
These all require the services of a reputable and expert attorney. For any of the above matters, contact Jennifer Scholtz on jennifer@jenniferscholtz.co.za. All advice is confidential and you can trust Jennifer's professionalism at all times.
Jennifer is available to conduct lectures to corporate companies or other organisations, in any aspects of Family Law. A field of specialty, Jennifer is well versed in this area and can provide meaningful and easy to understand insight into this complex aspect of the legal field.
Jennifer is a qualified mediator and available to objectively mediate under difficult circumstances.